
Date - Location
27-31 January 2013, Amman, Jordan ACWUA Second Arab Water Week
7-11 April 2013, Irbid, Jordan International Conference on the Geomatics of the Middle East & North Africa
22-26 April 2013, Beijing, China 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment
23-26 April 2013, Berlin, Germany Wasser Berlin
28 April- 2 May 2013, San Antonio Texas, USA NGWA Summit - The National & International Conference on Groundwater
12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland SETAC Europe Meeting
19-22 May 2013, Cincinnati Ohio, USA World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2013
16-20 June 2013, Zurich, Switzerland 8th IWA Micropol & Ecohazards Specialist Conference
1-5 July 2013, Nairobi, Kenya 36th Water, Engineering & Development Centre (WEDC) International Conference
22-26 July 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden Joint Assembly in Gothenburg, Sweden
5-6 September 2013, Moscow, Russia G-20 Summit
5-7 September 2013, Athens, Greece 13th International Conference on Environmental Science 7 Technology (CEST 2013)
8-13 September 2013, Chengdu, China 35th IAHR World Congress
8-11 October, 2013, Budapest, Hungary Budapest Water Summit
11-22 November 2013, Warsaw, Poland COP 19 UN Climate Change Conference
9-11 December 2014, Cairo, Egypt 3rd Arab Water Forum