Dennis Baldocchi – University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Baldocchi’s work involves the development of effective models to understand, evaluate and predict evapotranspiration and water-use efficiency in various environments under climate change conditions. Lines of inquiry revolve around quantifying the fluxes of greenhouse gases (e.g. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane) in ecosystems that receive water excess or water deficiency, advancing our scientific knowledge of the hydrological cycle.
Winner Profile
Dr. Dennis Baldocchi
Dr. Baldocchi is Professor of Biometeorology in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management & Berkeley Atmospheric Science Center, University of California, Berkeley.
• 1982 – PhD; University of Nebraska, Lincoln (Bioenvironmental Engineering)
• 1979 – MS; University of Nebraska, Lincoln (Agricultural Engineering)
• 1977 – BS; University of California, Davis (Atmospheric Sciences)
Selected Awards:
2023 – Doctor Honoris Causa. Wageningen University
2011 – Faculty Award for Excellence in Postdoctoral Mentoring, University of California, Berkeley
2009 – Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biometeorology, American Meteorological Society
2004 – Norbert Gerbier-MUMM International Award
1996 – Department of Commerce, Silver Medal
Acceptance Speech
Winning Work
[1] Dennis Baldocchi, Siyan Ma, and Joe Verfaillie. 2021. "On the Inter- and Intra-annual Variability of Ecosystem Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency of an Oak Savanna and Annual Grassland Subjected to Booms and Busts in Rainfall", Global Change Biology, 10.1111/gcb.15414.
[2] Siyan Ma, Elke Eichelmann, Sebastian Wolf, Camilo Rey-Sanchez, and Dennis D. Baldocchi. 2020. "Transpiration and evaporation in a Californian oak-grass savanna: Field measurements and partitioning model results", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 295: 108204.
[3] Dennis Baldocchi, D. Dralle, C. Jiang, and Y. Ryu. 2019. "How Much Water is Evaporated Across California?: A Multi-Year Assessment Using a Biophysical Model Forced with Satellite Remote Sensing Data", Water Resour. Res., 10.1029/2018wr023884.
[4] E. Eichelmann, K. S. Hemes, S. H. Knox, P. Y. Oikawa, S. D. Chamberlain, C. Sturtevant, J. Verfaillie, and D. Baldocchi. 2018. "The effect of land cover type and structure on evapotranspiration from agricultural and wetland sites in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, California", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 256–257:179-195.
[5] D. Baldocchi, S. Knox, I. Dronova, J. Verfaillie, P. Oikawa, C. Sturtevant, J. H. Matthes, and M. Detto. 2016. "The impact of expanding flooded land area on the annual evaporation of rice", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223:181-193.